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Interactive Outreach Session for Children Reaping Montreal Protocol benefits to conserve food and vaccines

Coordinating Person: Shivam Gupta Date: September 16, 2021

One of the key components of the SHEETAL project is to raise awareness, foster dialogues, and sensitize the public on the aspects of environment-friendly cooling. The project group has conducted several events, workshops, and training programs targeting different stakeholders’ groups relevant to the issue.In continuance to these awareness events, TERI and its partners AEEE & CEEW will be organizing interactive sessions for children on the eve of World Ozone Day 2021. The event aims to celebrate this year’s theme, “Montreal Protocol-Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.” The event seeks to be a common platform for educators, students, environment enthusiasts, and experts on climate change and cooling issuesan  aims to disseminate knowledge and spread awareness on the Ozone layer while emphasizing potential conservation measures. This event aims to facilitate valuable discussions and pushing individuals to learn, be accountable, and take concrete actions towards Montreal Protocol objectives.

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