
  • Climate Resilience & environment protection
    Climate Resilience & environment protection
  • Cold Chain Infrastructure
    Cold Chain Infrastructure
  • Capacity Building in Air Conditioning
    Capacity Building in Air Conditioning
  • Energy Efficiency Improvement
    Energy Efficiency Improvement
  • Collaborative Actions
    Collaborative Actions


Alliance for Sustainable Habitat, Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort for All


Welcome to the SHEETAL website. The SHEETAL program is a CSO initiative led by TERI and partners AEEE & CEEW supported by Children Investment Fund Foundation to provide the opportunity for strategic actions to put forward the sustainable cooling agenda in India by facilitating the implementation of ICAP (India Cooling Action Plan) . Aligning with ICAP, the consortium proposes a multidisciplinary, integrated approach along with technical solutions to enhance access to and energy efficienct cooling across multiple target sectors viz space cooling, cold chain, Transport air-conditioning and servicing sector etc.

The project also involves different stakeholder groups at the national and international level that can assist with creating cross-sectoral discussion and knowledge sharing around emerging pieces of analysis and conclusions. These convenings would provide a place for assembling different line ministries, and international and domestic cooling policy experts to come together and synergies the actions to facilitate the implement the ICAP.

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Our work


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Research & Development

The ICAP (India Cooling Action Plan) recognizes that ‘’driving Research & Development (R&D) for developing an innovation ecosystem in the country is pivotal for ...

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Servicing Sector

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning’ (RAC) servicing sector is directly related to the consumption of refrigerants. Proper service of the equipment also leads to optimum and efficient performance of the air conditioning and refrigeration systems. ICAP provides a major focus on addressing operationa...

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Transport Air Conditioning

Provided India’s growth potential and developmental needs, the transport sector in India is poised to grow at an accelerated pace. Same has been reflected by ICAP and shows tremendous mobile air conditioning demand and hence the increased refrigerant demand. Presently, mainly HFCs are being used i...

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Cold Chain

Presently, India has only a moderate inventory of cold storages or refrigerated warehouses. The other elements that make up an uninterrupted ‘supply chain’ comprising of a cold-storage chain, pack houses, reefer transport and ripening chambers are largely missing. Working to bridge the gaps can ...

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Space Cooling

Space Cooling is one of the key thematic area identified under ICAP. The Space Cooling sector presents unique opportunities for optimization of cooling demand, including through energy efficiency, since a large portion of the cooling demand - both in the ...



